The Art of Magic Tricks

Magic is one of the most interesting forms of performing arts in the world. It refers to the act of creating various tricks or supernatural illusions using natural means. This process is also known as the creation of magical effects, tricks or illusions. However, you should always bear in mind that this art is divided into three main categories depending on the types of tricks involved. Here is a quick look at some of the most common magic tricks and how they have been classified. 

1. Stage magic 

This type of magic is normally associated with professional and established magicians all over the world. It involves complex skills that leave the audiences confused and with more questions than answers. For example, it may involve walking on water, passing through physical walls and so on. 

2. Platform magic 

Just as its name suggests, this type of magic is normally performed on a particular platform and it does not require great skills. The magician should be able to perform various tricks such as cutting someone in half. These magicians are quite common in corporate events or shows as part of the entertainment program. (The list of corporate entertainers in Sydney

3. Close up magic 

This is the easiest and most popular form of magic available in the modern generation. It can be performed by amateur magicians in schools, at home, and other areas. It is also common in recreational events for kids and includes simple performances such as card or coin tricks, bending stiff objects such as nails, and so on. 

If you want to be successful as an upcoming magician, it is always good to bear in mind that magic is more focused on how you do a particular trick. For example, if you know how to bend a metal rod with your bare hands and reinstate it to its initial shape, you should always try your best to distract your audience. Most magicians will tell you that these tricks are easy to perform but on the other hand, the viewers claim that they are rare and spectacular. 

Why magic is fun

The best thing about magic is that; as a magician, you will be able to play with the minds of the viewers to any extent that you wish. You will always leave them begging for more and at the same time, trying to solve the riddles expressed in your actions. When you bend a certain metal rod through magic, you will be rest assured that someone else will be interested in doing the same thing without applying any trick. This is what makes you look special since you can do what most people cannot do. 

Magic makes you get noticed everywhere you go. If you are the type of person who loves attention, then you just have to learn some few tricks that do not seem too common. It makes you look like a supernatural being with the ability to change different things in your environment. You can find and learn lots of magic tricks on Youtube from LeclericShow

Apart from the fun and creativity associated with magic, this art is also profitable. It is one of the major factors that most companies think about when it comes to corporate entertainment. If you own a particular business, the best way to entertain your staff, clients or stakeholders is by hiring magicians to perform at the event.

Image credit:  PhotoAtelier on Flickr

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